Ok, back to why Buglette and I were at Bug's school, my kiddo was awarded Student of the Month!!!!! Yea Bug!!!! Way to Go!!!! We are so proud of you! I got to go and surprise her by showing up to chapel when she was awarded her certificate and her coupon for a free kid's meal at Black Angus Steakhouse (woo hoo! dinner solved!).
Oh, my Peeps, good gravy, I have so much to tell you today and if I don't I will surely burst! Sometimes God just gives us one blessing right after the other and yesterday and today have been my days I guess. I found (through a teacher at Bug's school) a great second-hand store for kid's clothes in my area! The minute she told me about it we were in the car!!!! It's called New 4 You and the owner buys kids clothes as well as other items for kids/babies from other moms or yourself, pays you for them and then turns around and sells them. I was so excited I could feel my feet barely touch the floor! I love love love my girls to look cute but I LOVE a bargain even better!!! I spent $30. on three (yep, three) Gymboree outfits for Buglette; full, complete outfits with socks too!) They don't even look worn! One is for a Christmas gift! I also have plenty of clothes every month or so that I have to pack up and take to a thrift store to give away cause darnit if kids don't grow soo fast so now I can make a little money back on what I've put into their clothes. I even have a high chair in the garage to sell to her! They also have clothes for Bug's size which is awesome because I can do a one-stop-shop!!! Woo hoo!!!
My last blessing (so far) is that I stumbled onto this website/blog that has just blessed me beyond measure!!! It's called Sugar Pie Farmhouse.com/blog and is just too sweet for words. Sugar Mama (no joke, that's what she calls herself, but she looks like one classy lady) has made homemaking into an art!! She makes me feel proud to do what I do (that's hard to do) and is so loving and sweet in the process. She is from the Ozarks in Branson, Missouri and I've been there a few times and loved it, so I can relate to what she's talkin' about. She advises everyone to "put on an apron, light a great smelling candle, put on some music and go to work making your house a home"! She does wear aprons! I think I may adopt this! (hey, some of them can be slimming) Her sight and blog are just the bees' knees! Check her out so we can all drool together, Peeps!
Oh, and PS, Christy, thanks for your sweet thoughts, you made my day brighter!