Ever wonder why you celebrate Christmas? If you buy one single gift you celebrate. If you have a nice dinner with a few family members or even one in the name of Christmas you celebrate. If you toast the day, you are celebrating Christmas. Why? The above verses are why. Jesus was born to save every single person from our sins. Why celebrate if you don't believe? No one, not you, not me are good enough to go to heaven without Jesus to save us from our sins. In John 3:3 Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again". How do you become born again? Very easily. You just pray the following prayer and mean it in your heart:
Lord, I know I am a sinner. I know that I have not lived up to your plans for me or my life. I know I need a savior. I know you are God and you came to earth as a baby then as a man You died for the sins of all mankind. I pray for you to enter my life now and save me from my sins. Please forgive me. Amen.
If you prayed the above prayer please let me know so I may pray for you. Get into a bible-based church. Read the bible daily. Your life will never be the same and I am now your sister in Christ! You will be going to heaven! This is the only way to get to heaven. All other religions are man trying to reach God but Christianity is God reaching down to man. Are you not sure you believe? Not sure what to believe? Has our world told you confusing things about Jesus? Let me know or ask a pastor, any of us would be happy to answer your questions.
Merry Christmas and God's Blessings for the New Year! Love, the White family