There are days when I must think, think, think to come up with a decent blog. Then there are the days like today when I have a billion ideas just oozing from my pores! I can't get to my Apple quick enough! I'll fill you in on why:
The Women's Ministry began our new bible study today. I am part of this group at our large church. I get to do the announcements, keep the morning on track, emcee, etc... As they're learning, put a microphone in my hand and I may never give it back! So, this morning was exciting as God was doing great things! It was busy, though! Up at 6am and after getting Savannah to school Bethany and I get to church by 8am. We get home at noon! It makes for a rewarding yet exhausting morning!
Hubby took great pleasure in creating coveting in me last night. What was I coveting you ask? Well, it's so bizarre for me. I saw and fell in love with the new iPad! What an awesome gadget!!!! Hubby has an iPhone that is nice but the iPad? Now that's speaking my language!! It is a computer, it can dowload books and periodicals, it can download pictures, it just does everything but is not a phone! Ha ha, told you it was for me! I could take all my blog peeps with me everywhere (that's you) and blog wherever I wanted. My pictures would be right with me too! I can download and read (on an awesome screen I might add) all my favorite books and magazines! And it's not a phone!!!!! For those of you who know me, that's a great thing because I dislike being held hostage by my cell phone!!! (We're trying to get away from using the word "hate" in our house but you get the picture).
Now, the other thing that's got me oozing from my pores is that, after getting home this afternoon I had, waiting for me from Netflix, Julie and Julia! I finally got to sit down and watch it! Oh good golly gee! I am in love, love, love with this movie! I (gulp) think I like it even better than the book! I never feel that way! I am an avid believer that the movies never live up to the books, but not in this case! There were so many parts that just reached into my soul and spoke to me. I loved Meryl Streep's portrayal of Julia Child. I loved the relationship between she and her husband, Paul. I loved how she was just herself and let the 'chips fall where they may'. So refreshing. On the Julie-side of the movie I loved watching her as well! So much of myself I see in this movie. I was born to be a wife and a mom but had no other direction as far as I was concerned. I was/am satisfied being a wife and mommy. But this blog and that movie have stirred something inside of me... deep. Julie knew she was meant to be a writer. I say this with much hesitation and reservation. I am so afraid (to the bones, afraid) of rejection. But here goes, I think (no,no,no, that's too unsure) I know I am meant to be a writer. I have no book idea, not even an inkling of how to begin. Just a desire. Is that enough? I don't know, we'll see. So, please pray for me, for direction and God's will to be done! In the movie Julie has a moment when a lobster she plans to cook moves in the bag in the backseat of her car. There's a moment when he's sort of 'looking' at her. Tomorrow I will tell you a story about something similar happening to me! The above picture you've seen, but it goes with this blog! It's me in front of the Smithsonian's exhibit of Julia Child's kitchen from her Cambridge, Massachusettes home.