Time for some confessions. 'Cause I need me some accountability. I must figure out how to blog properly. I know you're wondering what that means so I'll tell you. I need to learn how to make my blog look like all the awesome ones I follow (see left side). I need to learn how to post pictures from my camera! I need to be able to pull things up from all over the internet and post them here. I do projects around my home I'd love to show you, I find and collect great ideas from the blog world that I want to share with you! I need to know how! So, during Hubby's next set of days off it is my mission to 'pick his brain' (he's very good on the computer!) and have him show me HOW! If you don't start seeing some of these changes put into place BUG ME!!! "Mindi, what's up, girl? Where are the pics of that great idea you have about framing a pumpkin, that recipe you tried and loved and the ideas for decorating your loft? Get with it, girl!" That's all you need to tell me, but do tell me!!! Give me a week before the accountability begins...