Sometimes an ending is a perfect way to have a beautiful beginning...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

A Project may be in the Works...

Ok, so it's 6:30am and I've been up since 4am after giving Buglette a bottle. She's getting over a cold and teething those four molars so I'm not denying her anything. Usually at 4am if she woke I would allow her to fuss herself back to sleep a bit. But I'm on a medication that has been keeping me up at night (a story for another time) so I couldn't go back to sleep and here I sit. Why I feel like blogging right now is a mystery to me. But I have my coffee and some peace and quiet for now. I'm a VERY seasonal person (I guess that would be described as doing seasonal things in their proper season) so for right now my coffee is from Kauai, HI (Trader Joe's) and my creamer is coconut cream Coffee Mate. Hey, it's summer so there's no way I could have like, Cinnamon Hazelnut now with a heady French Roast. Am I the only one this makes total sense to? Those flavors are reserved for Fall and Winter and when the Pumpkin Pie Spice, Peppermint, and Gingerbread creamers come out! But my favorite from Starbuck's ANY time of year is a grande skinny vanilla latte with protein. Just thought was very important for you to know.
Anyway, at about midnight last night I finished my book I was reading, Julie and Julia by Julie Powell. I enjoyed it immensely but like I said before, could have done without her cursing and some of the sexual imagery. Not that I'm a prude but there just didn't seem to be a point to it. But the book itself and her writing I enjoyed very much. I completely understand where she was coming from! I too have been sort of 'in a rut', not feeling like I'm really doing much of anything with my life right now. Don't get me wrong, I love being a stay-at-home mom and wife and have for NINE YEARS now (oh, did I just yell that?) but sometimes I feel like I'm not living up to my potential. With my girls being the ages they are this is the only place I need to be but I was getting 'antsy'. So, this blog has sort of been a bit of a saving grace thing for me. And even if no one ever reads it, so what? It's getting me through another dish, another diaper. And I think that's what Julie needed too. Something to get her through the next day as a secretary in NYC getting ready to turn 30 (right now, putting on a suit to catch the subway, ok, let's be more glamorous here, a TAXI, for a ride into Manhattan to work till it's time for lunch at, let's say Dean and Deluca only to go back to work for a few hours until it's time to head back to my Upper East Side apartment where I can throw on sweats, grab a glass of wine and some take-out and enjoy the view all without dishes and diapers sounds pretty good to me). The Project (either read the book or go see the movie so we can chat about this, please) did that for her as well. This is going to be my Project. Who knows, 'blog' may become 'book' after all.
By the way, dinner last night was Dr. Praeger's California Veggie burgers on whole wheat buns (Trader Joe's again) with salad and not-fried sweet-potato fries. That reminds me, I need to pull a chicken out of the freezer to thaw for tonight's dinner. Till then!     

Friday, August 7, 2009


Hi everyone; although I guess there is no one really... but it's only been 18 hours I've been doing this so no worries, yet. 
Summer for us this year so far has been a bit odd... Buglette (14 months old) is a bit of a wild child, happy but into everything and all over the place. We used our timeshare in Palm Springs in July (I know, hot, hot, hot, it was 118 the day we arrived, I kid you not) and after those 4 days we were due to head to Yosemite in our truck and fifth-wheel for some 'camping' (this is as close to true camping as I will go). Well, needless to say Buglette began to teethe getting in four molars all at once. So, Yosemite is on hold for now!
Instead we are home having, what I suppose is all the rage in this stellar economy, a 'staycation'! We are home for the most part and then we will be taking some fun day trips to local fun spots. Buglette can stay on her schedule while she's teething, Bug (9 years) can still have a fun summer and Hubby and I can get some 'rest time' in as well. We will be heading to Disneyland, a few museums, our local fair and the beach and mountains. That's what's great about So Cal, lots of fun and geographical locals within two hours of each other. 
Before Buglette, we were the type of family who took our three-month-old on a truck and trailer trip for two weeks to South Dakota then a few months later on a five-hour plane ride to Pennsylvania and NYC to visit family. We have never hesitated to do anything for a great vacation so this is quite unusual for us! Oh well! Maybe next year we'll be off again! 
The girls and I got up this AM and had honeywheat pancakes and clementine oranges for breakfast outside in the back while Hubby slept in. The girls then played in the sandbox and on the swingset and took baths before Buglette went down for her nap.  The pancakes were from a really good Krusteaze mix (hey, it's easy and I never claimed to be supermom).  Hubby and Bug are going to see G-Force, the kid's movie today which he has agreed to take her to because, in his words, 'at least there are lasers in it'. I will be cleaning (yay) and maybe even finishing up the book I've been reading, Julie and Julia just like the movie coming out in a week about Julie who cooks through Julia Child's French cookbook in a year. It's good but the language is a bit much. So, for today, I absolutely must get this exciting day off and running... it is my vacation after all.    Mama Mindi

Thursday, August 6, 2009

anyone interested??

As a stay-at-home mom and wife sometimes my life can be a little dull (to me) or a little harried to downright crazy. My husband is a great hubby and a great daddy to our two daughters 9 year old Bug and her 14 month-old little sister Buglette. Of course, for their safety, I will use these nicknames for them in this forum! Hubby and I just turned 36 and I've been at home since Bug was born. I enjoy it but boy, some days can be just downright boring. You'd think that with Buglette's arrival 'boring' would be out the door but we still have our days. A little about me?? Well, I married my high school sweetheart at 19 and we spent the next 8 years in the USMC (he signed on the dotted line, I married into it) and then he joined law enforcement (which will remain unnamed for this forum). All the while I worked as a nurse in several doctor's officers, a preschool teacher, in a decorating shop and went to school to (can you believe it?) five different colleges. I love to read and write (hence this blog), scrapbook, garden (although this summer's garden isn't quite hitting it's stride yet), be with my family, am busy in our church and I workout out our local gym only because I have to. We moved to our new house last year and are finally feeling settled here and in our new town. I won't explain all this drudgery every day but felt like I needed to get some 'pleasantries' out of the way! The real adventure begins tomorrow! Stay with me....!